Maybe you have never heard of Swai fish. Even then, there is a high chance that you have eaten this type of fish. Some restaurants sell it as Asian catfish or shark, but it is not. So, should you eat Swai fish or not? The truth is that Swai fish is widely consumed. That is because it has a great taste, flaky texture, and mild taste. There are many concerns about this fish you should know. The following are some of the reasons you should avoid this type of fish.
It is Part of Food Fraud
You should note that the Swai fish is quite different from the American catfish. According to the FDA, the catfish belongs to the family lctauridae. Since this fish does not belong to this family, it is called a lot of names. As a result, there is a lot of confusion regarding what this fish is about. Unfortunately, what you will find on the market is Swai fish sold as basa fish. The truth is that Swai fish is of inferior quality to basa. Restaurants do so because Swai fish is quite cheap.
They Are Farmed
You should note that Swai fish are farmed. Unfortunately, such sites are dirty and overcrowded. In such conditions, it becomes quite easier for the pathogens to spread. Most fish farming practices involve administering medicine such as antibiotics to increase their weight and prevent diseases. Also, toxins, such as disinfectants and pesticides are used with minimal oversight. As you know, most of these substances are considered to be harmful to human beings.
Recent reports have revealed that Swai fish is treated with phosphates and citric acid during processing. In this way, the fish can absorb lots of water. As a result, it becomes possible to increase the fish’s weight. Although phosphates are good for your healthy, overconsumption results in heart disease and kidney disease.
Harmful to Humans
As noted above, factory fish farms are known to have minimal oversight. For instance, untreated wastewater gets its way into the river. Therefore, the pathogens and chemicals the wastewater contains get into the water. This water can cause damage to both people and animals. During floods, the water can contaminate plants.
There are Better Alternatives
It is advisable to eat fish twice a week. That is because fish contains a lot of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Unfortunately, Swai fish is not rich in nutrients. You can eat foods such as cooking oil and nuts that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids.